Research of the Genetic Algorithms and Ant Colony Algorithm for Bi-direction Job Shop Scheduling 作业车间双向调度的遗传算法及蚁群算法研究
Research on bi-objective flexible job shop scheduling based on genetic algorithm; 针对柔性作业车间调度问题,提出一种自适应遗传算法。
Flow-style Scheduling Technology under Job Shop Discrete Manufacturing Environment Jobshop离散制造环境下的流水式调度技术
System Model of Modern Job Shop Operation Information and Case Study 现代作业车间运行信息的系统模型及应用研究
Job Shop Scheduling problem is an important problem in actual production of manufacturing system, it is also one of the difficult problems of theory research. 作业车间调度问题是制造系统实际生产中的重要问题,也是理论研究的难点之一。
The paperhas discussed a design of job shop scheduling oriented genetic algorithm to solve job-shop scheduling problems; The models presented are mainly coding, decoding, and dead lock. 针对车间作业调度问题,讨论了应用于车间作业调度的遗传算法设计,给出了主要的编码、解码、以及死锁问题的算法模型。
An Optimization-Simulation System for Job Shop Scheduling 一个单件车间生产作业计划优化模拟系统
Research on the Algorithm Based on the Job Shop Scheduling of Work Center I 基于工作中心编码的车间作业调度算法研究
Multi-objective optimization method research on flexible job shop scheduling problem 柔性工作车间调度问题的多目标优化方法研究
Research on Algorithm and Simulation of Heuristic Dispatching Rules to Job Shop Scheduling Problem 基于启发式调度规则的车间作业计划算法及仿真研究
Research on Flexible Scheduling Methods with Multi-objective in Job Shop Based on Combinatorial Rule 基于规则组合的Jobshop多目标柔性调度方法研究
Research of improved hybrid quantum algorithm in Job Shop scheduling problems 改进混合量子算法在Jobshop调度中的研究
The FMS is fundamentally an automated, conveyorized, computerized job shop. The system is complex to schedule. FMS基本上是一个由自动化、传送带化、计算机化组成的加工车间。这种系统的安排非常复杂。
Research of dynamic job shop scheduling system based on multi-agent 基于MAS的生产车间动态调度系统的研究
A Block-Neighboring-Structure Based Tabu Search Algorithm for Job Shop Scheduling Problems 块邻域结构的禁忌搜索算法在车间调度中的应用
The most complex of job shop systems is the open shop. 最复杂的定货加工式工厂系统就是开放式工厂。
In order to solve NP-shop scheduling combinatorial optimization problems, an immune forgotten algorithm for job shop scheduling is proposed. 为了解决车间调度NP组合优化的难题,提出了基于免疫遗忘的车间调度算法。
A Simulation Study of Job Shop Scheduling Using Artificial Bees Colony Algorithm 基于人工蜂群算法的JSP的仿真与研究
The Multi-agent Flexible Job Shop Scheduling System Based on A Market Scheme 基于市场机制的多agent柔性车间调度研究
CIM differs from the traditional job shop manufacturing system in the role the computer plays in the manufacturing process. CIM与传统的加工车间的制造系统的区别在于计算机在制造过程中所起的作用。
Study on Job Shop Fuzzy Scheduling Based on Adaptive Ant Colony Algorithm 基于自适应蚁群算法的作业车间模糊调度研究
New Method for GA-based Solution to Job Shop Scheduling Optimization 基于遗传算法求解Jobshop调度优化的新方法
A structural model for large-scale projects is not far different from a job shop model. 一个大型工程项目的结构模型同一个定货加工厂的模型相差不远。
An approach for job shop scheduling based on heuristic rule and ant colony algorithm 基于启发式规则和蚁群算法的车间作业调度方法
Robust Job Shop Scheduling with Uncertainty Based on Scenario and Fuzzy Description 基于场景和模糊描述的不确定Jobshop鲁棒调度
In conformity to the general job shop scheduling problem, this paper constructs a gap network consisting of nodes, shortest paths and adjacent paths. 对应于一般单件车间排序问题,构造了一种由节点、最短路径和相邻路径组成的隙网络。
In this paper, we propose an improved Lagrangian relaxation algorithm to solve job shop scheduling problems. 针对车间调度问题,提出了一种改进的拉氏松弛算法。
This paper proposes a method of adaptive neural network based on constraint satisfaction for Job Shop Scheduling Problem. 提出一种基于约束满足的自适应神经网络方法求解车间作业调度问题。
Hybrid Genetic and Ant Colony Algorithm for Flexible Job Shop Scheduling 应用混合遗传蚁群算法求解柔性车间调度问题
A combination decision model of scheduling rules based on simulation is presented for multi-objective problems of job shop scheduling. 针对车间调度规则组合的多目标优化问题,提出了一种基于仿真的评估决策模型。